domain on hold for Eric
As a fan who appreciates Eric’s work on, I’m holding the domain for when Eric decides to return and take ownership. Eric, I noticed the domain was available for purchase, someone else owned it for awhile.
Your videos on the FujiFilm X-T2 really inspired me to learn more about the brand, it’s lens selection, how to use the camera and so on. The passion and enthusiasm you had for the product made it interesting to watch your video’s. Thank for you for that! is not the same without you. I’ll hold the domain until you want it back. There is no catch, markup for the domain transfer cost or scam. If its really you who is interested, it’s yours!
What I’m looking forward to is seeing new content from you, even though you switched back to Nikon!
Hope you are well! Just a fan, hoping for your return one day..